“Happy is the man who finds wisdom, the man who attains understanding.”…”She is a tree of life to them that grasp her, and all who hold onto her are happy” (Proverbs 3:13,18)

“Help us turn to You, and we shall return. Renew our lives as in days of old.” (Lamentations 5:21).


Sukkot is in the Air

As we turn the pages or the days of the year, depending on your metaphorical tastes, and move beyond the Days of Awe of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we come upon the true Festivals when sacrifices and other good times were had in the Temple precincts in Jerusalem.

But for those of us living in the present, we have more tamped-down opportunities to feel our religious oats and we do so beginning with the holiday of Sukkot.  We will observe it on the evening of Wednesday, October 16 at 6:00 pm in the Chapel (if a request is made, there will be a ZOOM component), followed by a short kiddush in the Synagogue sukkah.

And the following morning, Thursday October 17, at 10:00 am, we will have another ‘new’ experience as Beth Jacob welcomes Congregation Ahavath Achim from Colchester who will join us in the Sanctuary (with services on ZOOM, using the same ZOOM link that we use each Shabbat, and which will be re-sent prior to the service) followed by a Kiddush in the sukkah (with no ZOOM component), with a view towards reaching a conclusion by about 12:00 Noon.

There will be a Torah learning opportunity to follow the service for those interested.

And for the close of the Sukkot holiday, on Thursday morning, October 24, beginning at 10:00 am and to end by about 12:00 Noon, we will have a combination Shemini Atzeret with Yizkor service, and a Simkhat Torah service as we change over the Torah reading cycle for the 5,785th time, followed by a Kiddush.

And, as usual, we will be celebrating the kiddush for the Intermediate Shabbat in the sukkah on Friday evening October 18 (about 7:00 pm), and the following morning, October 19 (about Noon), upon the conclusion of the services.


Weekly Services At Beth Jacob

Thursday Morning Minyan      7:30 am  
Friday night, Kabbalat Shabbat — 6:00 pm: Live + ZOOM Service
Shabbat morning, prayer service — 10:00 am:   Live + ZOOM service
Shabbat morning, Torah Study — 11:00 am: ZOOM service only


 Super Shabbat