Rav Julius Rabinowitz

2023-2024 Executive Committee
Martin Shapiro | President
Steven Morse | Secretary
Stacy L. Gould | House & Grounds Chairman
Michael Gere | Advisor & Vice-Chairmen of The Board

Board of Directors
Marc Bokoff (Past President)
Steven Bokoff
Harriet Burchman (Past President)
Scott Camassar (Past President)
Arlene Dressler

Larry Friedman
Evert Gawendo
Helen Glick (Past President)

Norman Katzoff
Jerome Schwell
Vicki Seroussi
Michael Seroussi (Past President)
Alan Ruditzky (Past President)

Ritual Committee
Marc Bokoff
Michael Gere
Stacy Gould
Steven Morse
Rosa Goldblatt
Norman Katzoff
Michael Seroussi


Beth Jacob Synagogue is affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism